**Children's Ministry**
From newborn through sixth grade, we're committed to providing a safe and spiritually enriched Sunday school experience. Ministering to kids is one of the most important things we can do. Living Grace Church is dedicated to instructing our children in the faith. We've been blessed with a terrific children's staff who are adored by our kids and parents alike.
You may check your newborn-elementary school student every Sunday at the children's outdoor kiosk before the service starts.
**Youth Ministry**
We believe that families should worship together. We ask that children seventh grade and older join in the worship service. We purposefully plan our worship services to include music and teaching that appeal to the entire family. We also recognize that pre-teens and teens enjoy studying God's Word together and just hanging out. Kids in these age groups meet together on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:30 PM at the at the church offices (8500 Harris Rd. Ste A, 93311).
*For more information on our children and youth programs please contact Brian Murphy, at 661-665-0968 or at brianm@livinggracebakersfield.com.