Living Grace Community Church is community of people who simply love God.

We are a church plant from Riverlakes Community Church sent out to continue the tradition of proclaiming the gospel in Bakersfield and around the world.

At Living Grace our goal is to keep it **simple**. Everything we do is summed up in three words: **WORSHIP. GROW. SERVE.** Worshipping God is our life passion. Growing in God is our life pursuit. Serving God is our life practice.

We are a family of believers who are overwhelmed by the gospel of Jesus Christ which declares that Jesus is the only means of salvation and everlasting life, and we long to boldly proclaim this truth. We desire to be a body of believers who treasure Christ in our hearts, reflect His value in the way we live, and point people to Him as their Lord and Savior.

To hear more about Living Grace or to ask questions, please join us for our next Pastor's Coffee.