Home Groups

# **Grow in the Lord, Our Life Pursuit**

At Living Grace Community Church we believe worship cultivates in us a desire to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. A significant component in the life of every Living Grace believer is a commitment to grow in Christ. The Bible is the holy word of God and its pages reveal who God is and His desire that we glorify Him with our lives. Therefore, we are students of the Bible who hunger for its truth and are eager to apply its principles to our daily lives. We long for God's Word and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit to shape who we are and how we live in Christ.

We invite you to join one of our home groups where we dig deeper into the word of God, pray for one another, and encourage one another in our pursuit of living each day for the glory of God. Groups meet in homes throughout the city on different days and at different times to accommodate different schedules.

For more information, or to sign up for a home group, please contact Billy Freels at 661-665-0968, or billyf@livinggracebakersfield.com.