Prayer and Fasting 9/23/20

Good Morning,

Today we have another opportunity to live out our desire to hunger for the things of God more than for the things of this world as we practice the discipline of fasting. I've include a link to help you get a better understanding of what biblical fasting is all about.

Instead of eating today, we can spend that time in prayer for ourselves and for others. Let's focus on these four items today:

1. Pray for your own personal relationship with God, for you to love God with your whole heart, mind, soul, and strength, and to love God more than the things of this world.

2. Pray for Chad and Martha who are in the jungle in Papua New Guinea. Friday is Chad's birthday. Pray for a wonderful celebration, and continue to pray for them as they finish the process of turning the tribe's spoken language into a written language. No easy task.

3. Pray for opportunities for us a church body to be a witness for Christ here in Bakersfield. Pray we would show the love of Christ to those who need it and that we would be bold in our witness.

4. Pray for the building to finish its big hurdle for the loan to go through (the appraisal of the building). Honestly, it's the least of our worries, but you never know. Let's pray for the Lord's continued guidance.

Because He Lives,

Pastor Brian
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