Congregational Call to Prayer

Dear Living Grace,
I would like to ask you to pray and fast with us as elders for a season as we pray for several important items in front of us as a congregation. I would ask that we set aside each Wednesday in September and October to fast and pray for the following items:
1) Pray for the spiritual health and growth of our congregation. Pray for our body to be challenged from God’s Word and to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ. Pray for our unity and for those who have been tempted to disengage during this pandemic. Pray that we would grow in holiness and more and more into the likeness of Jesus.
2) Pray for our cross-cultural workers who are out there doing the hard work of learning languages and cultures totally foreign to them with the goal of preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray for them and for the souls of those who will one day hear the gospel for the first time.
3) Pray for the Lord’s will to be done in regard to the potential purchase of a permanent building. Pray for the loan to be secured and the finances to come in to pay for the construction. While we see great value in us having a stable and permanent place to meet, we need to continue to trust the Lord to guide us and provide along the way.
4) Pray for our community during this pandemic. Pray for people to be kept safe and for healing for those who get this virus. Pray for the light of Christ to shine through us all the brighter in the midst of the current darkness.
A couple of last thoughts about fasting:
What is fasting?  Fasting is the willful refrainment from eating for a period of time. The idea is to deny your body its physical needs in order to move the focus away from your body and it’s physical needs and toward your spiritual needs and prayer. So, instead of eating, spend that time in prayer for these important items. When you feel the pangs of hunger, let them remind you of your need for Christ, “the bread of life” (John 6:35).
How long should I fast? That’s really up to you and what your own body can handle. There is no right or wrong.  Ideally, one may fast from say 6:00am to 6:00pm. In other words, either eat early and skip lunch or skip breakfast and lunch and break your fast at dinner. The amount of time isn’t nearly as important as being intentional to deny your physical needs for a period of time in order to focus on your spiritual needs and take these things before the Lord in prayer, by faith.
This season is a crucial time for us a church--would you consider joining us in prayer and fasting as we seek the mind of the Lord and our own spiritual growth?
Brian and the Living Grace Elders




